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Emote tests

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Emote tests Empty Emote tests

Post by The Administrator Fri Feb 26, 2010 5:30 pm

I'm just gonna test new emotes as I find them to make sure their transparency works. Don't pay any mind to this.

I see what you did there/serious business face: Emote tests 924619
Awesome face: Emote tests 81787

Emote tests 924619
Emote tests 152290

Emote tests 25639
Emote tests 150582
Emote tests 189790

Emote tests 514105
Emote tests 13182
Emote tests 562407
Emote tests 1071
Emote tests 132147
Emote tests 600329
Emote tests 316944
Emote tests 877326
Emote tests 42944
Emote tests 697380
Emote tests 43743
Emote tests 60748
Emote tests 59257
The Administrator
The Administrator

Posts : 629
Join date : 2010-01-15
Age : 28
Location : Underground Facility of the Utmost Secrecy

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