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The Echo the Hedgehog project

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The Echo the Hedgehog project Empty The Echo the Hedgehog project

Post by Echo~the~Hedgehog Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:44 am

Basically its everything that pertains to the main storyline of Echo the hedgehog's life, the story, and the main characters.

It has three basic themes; Sci Fi, Knights and castles (for lack of a better definition), and Antiquity. So that I have practise writing these themes I created three stories, each with one of the archetypes. A thing or two about loyalty is the first. Another story, Wild Endevor will be the next with Sci Fi. But Im having trouble with the third (antiquity).

The scenario is simple. Shadow the hedgehog is an ancient Egyptian noble. He lives on a hill with amy, his wife. He is loyal to the religon of egypt. Some however, start whispering that the gods are false and there is only one god; the sun god. Shadow helps squash the heretics. Soon however, the people begin to get ideas. One night, someone orcastrates a rebellion in upper egypt. In less than a week it spreads to lower egypt to the gates of the pharoh's palace. Shadow is determined to ride the rebellion out, saying that the gods will destroy the anarchists.

The rebels however, take control of the palace and execute the pharaoh. Shadow and his wife gather some old relics and attempt to flee before they are caught. Rebels march up Shadow's lawn however and he is separated from his wife. He is taken to the river where they attempt to drown him. He frees himself and swims to the other side of the river. The people start yelling and screaming at him. Then one of the officals who joined the rebellion walks to the edge of the river and declares Shadow to be saved by the sun god. He says that Shadow will live out the rest of his life as the play thing of the sun god, that his life will be full of misery and death, all to please the sun god. He finishes by banishing Shadow from Egypt.

Almost as if on que, chariots arrive with spears. Shadow curses knowing that they were just making him stay long enough for them to catch him. He runs but they get him in a net and toss him into the mediterranian. He cuts his way out of the net with a ceremonial knife he was carrying from his house in an attempt to save the relics. He trys to swim up but he is hit by an oar from the boat and he drops the knife. He can either swim down to get it or swim up and breathe. He chooses to breath.

He makes it to the surface and is taken on board a Cretian merchant ship. They marvel at the golden symbols and pieces under his cloak. He informs the captian that Egypt is lost and to turn back. It is too unstable to trade with. They take him back to Crete.


That's all I have so far. There are a few more details ive got down. But im having trouble continueing this and naming the story. If anyone has any ideas, help would be good.

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Join date : 2010-02-23
Age : 31
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The Echo the Hedgehog project Empty Re: The Echo the Hedgehog project

Post by The Administrator Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:24 pm

Good summary, take it down in story form and it should be great!
The Administrator
The Administrator

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The Echo the Hedgehog project Empty Re: The Echo the Hedgehog project

Post by Echo~the~Hedgehog Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:44 pm

Yeah. But im having trouble connecting the dots.

Shadow meets Princess Blaze on crete.

Shadow swims to the greek shore and meets rouge-theif.

What goes on in between is my first problem.

Posts : 955
Join date : 2010-02-23
Age : 31
Location : Troy

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