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when they saw her, an Invader Zim failfic

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when they saw her, an Invader Zim failfic Empty when they saw her, an Invader Zim failfic

Post by Sirius Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:14 am

Yo. Me again. Snarkin' another fanfic about Zim. Let's dive right in, eh? This is 'when they saw her.'

A ship came shooting out of the sky and crashed in the forest then the ship door opened and out came a girl (she was shadowed so u can't see her) she looks around and takes out a tracker she follows it to a house . She goes up to it and rings the doorbell
"Hello? Who are you!" yells ZIM
...And that's the entire first chapter. I'm in for a treat, aren't I?
Aisha: Chapter 2!
So, the girl's name is ZEN. Why are ALL the names capitalized? I don't fuckin' know... Anyway...

"ZEN!" cried the (insane) robot GIR
"Hi GIR!" she cried happily "how's my favorite robot!"
"I like tacos!" he spazzed
She giggled "ur still the same"
"GIR! How to u know this… girl?" ZIM asked
"I and ZEN were besties before I went away" said GIR "ima goin to make pancakes!"
WHAT?! NO! BULLSHIT! You couldn't have known him before he left! Gir left with Zim almost immediately after being built!
Aisha: So, yeah, aside from this bullshit, appearantly ZEN is also Zim's sister...

she closed her eyes and then black (u know commercial break)
Aisha: ...
Moving on...
Aisha: Chapter 3!

they entered the skool and they went threw all their classes till lunch Zen found him and was about to eat some beans
"don't they will harm you" zim told her
"oh thank you"
Well, of course. It's cafeteria beans. Those'd hurt anyone.

"who is that boy staring at us brother" she asked
"ah dib-worm and dib-worms sister, zim will explain them to you later now then we must get back to base come on now zenia" he says
she nods then they go back home
Zenia? I thought it was ZEN, now it's Zenia? Whadda fuck?
Aisha: This is failfic. Failfic has no logic. Failfic has no reasoning. Failfic is fail.
Yeah, yeah, I got it...
Aisha: Chapter 4!

(by the way before gir said that zen and he were besties before they came and took him away yea he's insane and that isn't what really happened gir accidentally called the tallest and she answers cuz they weren't around and they talked every since)
Oh, wow, that's bullshit. So, if the Tallests aren't there, random Irken answer their calls? And not just that, but defects, too? That makes sense...

"Zim your not almighty" said miyuki (purple) "and she's a defect ... Oh and just to tell you WE DON'T LIKE YOU! You were sent here to die and if you call us again we won't kill you but we'll kill zenia! And just to tell you Ur a defect too" they sighed off laughing
He couldn't believe it he wasn't a real invader and a…defect? How was he a defect?
Zen came in
"Because you have feelings" she said
"You're a defect because you have feelings" she said "And so do I besides my hair and eyes"
...How many chapters are left...?
Aisha: One chapter.
...I think I can manage that...
Aisha: Chapter 5!

"So all this time it was just for you two to die?"
She nodded
"Wow I should say sorry to zim"
"No he's too busy mourning not a good idea"
"Oh no im going to be late! Bye!"
"bye" he said after she left
for an alien she's cute
So, Dib falls for the Sue. Anyone suprised? Anyone at all? No?
Aisha: Well, thank God we're done...
You said it...
Aisha: Final verdict: 'BULLSHIT.'
Could not have said it better myself, ma'am. Until next time, amigos.

Posts : 150
Join date : 2010-01-15
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Neva- Err... Illinois

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when they saw her, an Invader Zim failfic Empty Re: when they saw her, an Invader Zim failfic

Post by The Administrator Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:02 am

Ugh... Why do I always have to be wrong when I say 'there's probably not much worse?'
The Administrator
The Administrator

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Age : 28
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when they saw her, an Invader Zim failfic Empty Re: when they saw her, an Invader Zim failfic

Post by Sirius Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:58 pm

Because God has a sick sense of humor? At least you don't have to read all of these failfics...

Posts : 150
Join date : 2010-01-15
Age : 32
Location : Somewhere in Neva- Err... Illinois

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