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Sonic Fanart posted on SEGA's website

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Sonic Fanart posted on SEGA's website Empty Sonic Fanart posted on SEGA's website

Post by The Administrator Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:11 am

Now, some of these are drawn by small children - Thus, are shit. But some of the art is actually pretty good. Take this one for instance:
Sonic Joins the Brawl by David, 14
Sonic Fanart posted on SEGA's website 0410

And this one isn't half bad either, considering it was drawn by a 10 year old:
Sonic Fanart posted on SEGA's website 1210

And now a rather cute CrAils one (I'll save my love of this pairing for the Playhouse):
Tails, Cream and Cheese
Sonic Fanart posted on SEGA's website 23_fan10

Wade through the piles of shit and find some other decent art here.
The Administrator
The Administrator

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Join date : 2010-01-15
Age : 28
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